How to Spur Your Connections

Let’s be honest. Making connections on a dating app is much more challenging than meeting someone face-to-face. So, is there a way that we can replicate or simulate that same feeling of connectivity through an app? At Spur, we have … Read More

what is spur

What is Spur?

What is Spur? Spur is a social dating app where people can engage with each other through our interactive Pops. Pops make finding someone fun, allowing people to reply to your profile photos and videos with fun effects, songs, and … Read More

Why Swiping Is Overrated

On most dating apps, swiping is the main way to show interest in someone. But is swiping the best way to find a match?? Just because it’s the most common dating app feature, should you be limited to only swiping? … Read More

How to Stop Ghosting on Dating Apps

We have all been flaked on or ghosted when trying to set up a date online. It sucks and is one of the biggest problems online daters face. So how do we stop ghosting on dating apps? It is not … Read More

cute couple on dinner date during covid

How to Date During Covid-19: Have Fun but Be Smart

With 2021 is officially underway. Although you should continue to practice social distancing, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun. Satisfying your mental health is just as important as maintaining your physical well-being. However, during these unprecedented times, … Read More

woman frustrated with the top problems with online dating

Counting down the top 7 Problems With Online Dating

With around 50 million Americans using online dating, it is safe to say that dating apps are here to stay. With the loneliness and isolation brought about by COVID-19, the appeal of online dating is obvious. These apps give us access to … Read More