Why Swiping Is Overrated

On most dating apps, swiping is the main way to show interest in someone. But is swiping the best way to find a match?? Just because it’s the most common dating app feature, should you be limited to only swiping? What about showing off your personality and humor to others? Are there better ways to connect with people? Is swiping the reason dating app suck? Let’s break it down.. here are reasons why swiping is overrated:

1. You lose sight of what matters

Oftentimes, the process of swiping can feel like robotic and not something authentic.
Oftentimes, the process of swiping can feel like robotic and not something authentic.

You can get through numerous profiles in literally seconds, by swiping left on the ones that you do not like and swiping right on the ones that you do. The process quickly feels robotic, a subconscious exercise. You’re no longer trying to meet someone special, but are simply going through the motions. Yes, you are able to filter through hundreds of profiles in an hour or so, but at what cost what is the point of a dating app? Are you sizing up each person individually, or making quick judgment calls without noticing the details? It is important to remember you are on a dating app to find new people to form bonds with, and that starts with treating people as individuals, not a left or right swipe. To us, this is the first reason why swiping is overrated.

1. Few Responses

Swiping can feel an exhausting, discouraging process if you have to swipe thousands of profiles until reaching to a few meaningful interactions.
Swiping can feel an exhausting, discouraging process if you have to swipe thousands of profiles until reaching to a few meaningful interactions.

Many people ask themselves “why don’t I get any responses?”, or “why don’t I get any matches on dating apps?”. Studies have shown that swiping actually leads to lower engagement. For example, a person can swipe on hundreds of profiles, but then only get matched on a select few. WHAT does this mean?: Then, the person may be ghosted on the app, by a good chunk of those matches, and out of the original thousands interacted, the individual walks away with only a few meaningful interactions. Therefore, this type of time-exhausting activity could discourage users from using the app if it takes this much effort to reach a couple of meaningful connections.

3. Shallow

Swiping is very superficial and makes a very poor impression, especially if you want to make a good first impression at someone you hopefully like.
Swiping is very superficial and makes a very poor impression, especially if you want to make a good first impression at someone you hopefully like.

Let’s settle on the possibility of a profile that you really like. Then what happens? You swiped right and pray that your crush also swiped right on your profile. But that is bland and shows no personality. You message each other or get started in a conversation only after both people have matched. Swiping prohibits you from showing any personality or showing your true colors. Swiping does not allow you to send memes, gifs, or messages to each other. First impressions matter a lot, especially in the dating game, where people are unsure or hesitant to continue further because of concerns of catfishing or fake accounts. Therefore, it is best to avoid swiping in apps because it could be mechanical in nature, and it is not exactly a great conversation starter to meet your true love. These are the main reasons why swiping is overrated, and why dating apps suck.

Spur is a dating app that challenges the conventional norms of swiping in dating apps by introducing Pops, an interactive way of upgrading pictures and highlighting profiles using gifs, emojis, and song tracks in your pictures. Spur focuses on what the point of a dating app is, to bring you better connections!


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  1. What is Spur?

    […] the prevalence of swipe-based dating apps connections have become devalued, many people resort to swiping on all of the profiles they can hoping for a match without actively being engaged and trying to […]

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