Counting down the top 7 Problems With Online Dating

With around 50 million Americans using online dating, it is safe to say that dating apps are here to stay. With the loneliness and isolation brought about by COVID-19, the appeal of online dating is obvious. These apps give us access to people we would have otherwise never met. However, online dating comes with a set of problems. Here is our list of the biggest ones along with some potential solutions:

1. Too many options

With online dating, the variety of potential matches is a double-edged sword. For eager bachelors looking for a quick fling, having many options is a good thing. However for people looking for more serious connections, having too many choices can be overwhelming. Too many options cause people to become less appreciative of the matches they do get. Wouldn’t it be great if we could go back to a time where people actually put effort into their relationships? Some dating apps, including Spur, build better relationships by offering richer connections. The defining feature of Spur is Pops: putting a creative spin on someone’s profile before the two of you have matched. Spur empowers you to seek quality over quantity. 

2. Ghosting Overload

Imagine you’ve matched with someone and the vibes are great. Then all of a sudden, they stop responding to your conversation. You’ve been ghosted. It never makes sense, but this, unfortunately, is one of the huge problems with online dating. All you need to know is that someone who ghosts isn’t worth your time. Apps like Spur help people connect on a deeper level right from the start. People become more invested in each other and ghosting happens less frequently.

3. Catfishing

Catfishes are users or bots that create fake profiles to win over unsuspecting users. To protect yourself from being catfished, use common sense. You’re likely dealing with a catfish if the profile has just one blurry photo, if the photos seem unrealistically attractive, or if the “person” immediately shares contact information. Try not to match with any profiles like this, and don’t reciprocate in sharing your own personal details.

4. Apps can be expensive

Dating apps are businesses, hence the need for them to make money. To do so, they usually have an expensive premium fee that comes with enticing features such as unlimited likes, and the ability to see who liked your profile. If you are able and willing to pay the premium then by all means go for it. However, approximately 90% of users on large dating apps like Tinder aren’t willing to break the bank. People not maximizing their experience due to finances is a significant problem with online dating. The tip here is to try to enjoy what you can with free apps, like Spur

5. "Dick Pics"

Out of nowhere. WHAM! You come across “inappropriate” images in a profile or message. Some apps, including Spur, have solutions in place to prevent these. Make sure to choose an app that keeps your safety and the quality of your dating experience in mind. Also, use your own personal intuition. If a potential match asks to start texting right away, don’t share your number until you’ve spent more time getting to know one another.  Gaining familiarity with your matches is the best way to avoid this problem with online dating.

6. Frequent Rejection

Always remember that it’s online dating. The people you meet are seeing others, yourself included. Therefore, you will experience rejection more frequently than you would if you were meeting people in person. This is nothing to get down about. Online dating is experimental for a lot of users, so chances are you’re not going to hit the jackpot on your first try. Your next bae is out there, find them!

7. It's too time-consuming

A successful approach to online dating includes frequently updating your profile, messaging potential matches, and setting up dates. These things take time, and that can be problematic for certain people. If you want to build better relationships, you must be patient. Meeting a significant other through online dating is a long process that won’t happen overnight. Stay composed, and let your connections foster over time. It should all pay off in the end.

8. Boring conversations

The harsh reality of online dating is that people aren’t creative. There are only so many conversations starting with “Hey” or “What’s up?” that someone can take before they become bored. Approaching someone in person with “Hey” would spark a response because it takes guts to approach a stranger. However, it has quite the opposite effect on online dating sites. Simple conversation starters show your lack of creativity, and you’ll probably get left on read. Build better relationships by being creative!

9. Misleading profiles

Paul Oyer, Stanford economist and author of Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Economics I Learned from Online Dating, explains “There’s a big problem in the online dating world which is it’s very easy to say ‘I’m interested in you’ or ‘I have this certain characteristic’. Showing it is more difficult.”  In other words, it’s easy for someone to claim to have an attractive lifestyle in their bio. It’s harder to show it. Spur doesn’t necessarily verify certain traits, but the ability to pop before the match provides both parties with an understanding to build better relationships.

10. Standing out from the crowd

If you’re a model, this issue with online dating probably doesn’t concern you. However, for the majority of us that weren’t blessed with sharp jawlines and green eyes, it can be hard to stand out. People to filter their interests superficially, making the process all about looks. In reality, the key to having a great relationship is much more than that. Spur’s pops grant you the opportunity to stand out in ways that don’t necessarily involve physical appearance. A witty pop should speak just as much volume as a pretty face.

With online dating becoming a more integral part of our daily lives, it’s important to choose a platform that best fits your individual needs. Many people are overwhelmed with options, limiting their ability to make more genuine connections. Furthermore, people tend to treat their matches as a numbers game, making ghosting more common. Inappropriate profile pictures and catfishes make the process of making connections even more difficult, as people begin to lose trust in the app’s integrity.

People also face external problems with online dating like high costs for premium memberships. It seems that no matter how you view it, current online dating platforms pose significant issues that are often overlooked.

Spur is a new innovative dating app where users interact with people’s profiles with Pops! Pops allow users to inject a dose of creativity into their matchmaking by actively engaging in another’s profile. Spur users enjoy the luxury of adding GIFs, emojis, and more to profile photos in what is the new form of “swiping right”. The customization of every pop ensures that every interaction is unique. To ignite any conversation, send Pops and show off your irresistible charm. Besides, the app is completely free and uses a foolproof algorithm to limit misleading profiles. Spur is a new and improved way to build better relationships online.


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