Our Mission
Spur enables people to spark meaningful connections, show insight into their personality, and stand out from the crowd in the most fun and interactive way. Spur facilitates creativity and humor, allowing you to break the ice, fast-tracking you to that special someone. We love feedback, let us know how we can help you spark a connection on our contact page.
Meet the Team
Alex Kashi
Founder & CEO
Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley | Engineer Turned Entrepreneur
Llama enthusiast
Evan Kashi
BizDev & Product Management
SJSU | Intel | Electrical Engineer, Product Management & BizDev
Nationally ranked child swimmer
Kasey Woo
Backend Marketing & Competitive Analysis
Berkeley Grad | Triple Major
One class away from graduating with four degrees
Jackie Ting
Frontend Marketing and UI/UX Design
Cal Poly | Marketing
Retired gymnast expert backflipper
Taryn Cunningham
Frontend Marketing
SFSU | Marketing & Communications
Ambidextrous so she has no weak side
Isaac Yu
Marketing Management
Berkeley | Economics & Marketing
So chill he makes ice shiver
Spur Ambassador
Berkeley | Economics
Spur Ambassador